Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner was written by James Dashner. The story is about a boy named Thomas who wakes up with no memories of his prior life in a place called The Glade. The Glade has become home to many teenage boys who like Thomas, have all ended up there with no idea how or why. The glade is surrounded by a huge maze and every day the doors leading to the maze open and then at night close. The boys believe that if they can solve the maze then they will be able to find their way home. However, their journey is not easy and is filled with many twists and turns.

The Maze Runner would be classified as science fiction because places like The Glade and maze can and may exist in the future.

After reading the book, for an activity I would have my classroom divide up into groups and have each group compose a picture of what they imagine The Glade looks like.Also, I would have each student use their imagination to compose their own alternate introduction to the story that explains how they think the boys ended up at The Glade.

To get my students engaged in the concept of the story, I would ask my students a series of questions like:

  • How would you feel if you woke up in a unfamiliar place?
  • Would you be brave enough to be a runner?
  • Would you suffer a sting from the Grievers to recall memories from your past?

The author James Dashner is a American author of many children's fantasy and adult books. He has written other books like The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, and The Kill Order all of which are considered to be apart of The Maze Runner Series.

Dashner, J. (2009). The maze runner. New York, NY: Random House Children's Books

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